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Full Version: remove that @#$@ing cigarete lighter
6G Celicas Forums > 6th Generation Celica > Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring
So im painting a few of my parts and i cant seem to remove the cigarette lighter ? am i missing some vital information ?
after about an hour brutal frustration i just decided to tape it off and paint around it
This is going to be a funny topic! laugh.gif

lol i cant get mine to stay together
i know it can be done! Look at this picture from djultimate car

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look harder. its not difficult. it will come apart...
1 clip on the metal part of it, slots into the plastic part of it. You need to get a screwdriver and hold in the metal part so that you can slide the metal part out first, then the plastic part will come out too. Pain in the neck, my girlfriends corsa lighter is even harder though, I almost stabbed a screwdriver through my hand trying to prise hers out, couldn't get it so had to break it apart to get it out.
take out the light by rotating it 1/4 turn or so and pulling it out, take the black plastic cover off (comes off really easy).

push the metal part out, this requires a little wiggling and some force. Afterwards just unclip the rest of the parts

I had to break the plastic part i believe.

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so now I have this:
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^ Just out of curiosity… do those buttons do anything?
They probably have to do with his air ride compressor
the little round ones are air ride - reds (front up - back up) and black is (front down - back down) The 3 toggles are (Amp - Compressor - power antenna)
QUOTE(phonex98 @ Jun 11, 2006 - 11:44 PM) [snapback]443804[/snapback]

So im painting a few of my parts and i cant seem to remove the cigarette lighter ? am i missing some vital information ?

hey if you break it i got a good one cheap and i'll send intsructions
anyone have any pics? I was looking at it yesterday and I couldn't figure it out..

I did this the other day to switch my shifter surround. it was a little tricky but I go it. I'll do it again and take some pics if you guys really want smile.gif
<~~~ Really wants biggrin.gif
OK. I took some overly detailed pictures for you smile.gif here goes...

Taking the Cigarette Lighter OUT

Pull the shifter surround out and unclip the shift boot. then you see this
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unplug the cigarette lighter
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unplug the light by twisting it then pulling it out
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then you are left with this
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the black piece comes off fairly easily
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the two pieces to it will probably come apart, don't worry about it
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then you should have this
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just push the lighter assembly out from the back
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and you now have this
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now just pop out the other plastic piece pushing out from the back again
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and its out. congrats wink.gif
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now the fun part

Putting the Cigarette Lighter Back IN

take the piece in the last pic above and match the tab to the indentation in the shifter surround and push it in
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on the cigarette lighter itself there are two tabs, a smaller one and a bigger one. they match up to the grooves in the plastic piece you just put in
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line them up and snap it right in
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again you are left with this. everything should line up perfectly on this side now (more little tabs and grooves)
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put the two black pieces back together and slide them on. they might not snap in and stay in place, thats fine, when you put the LED back in it will hold it
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then just plug everything back in the way you took it off
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and Congratulations you are now back where you started smile.gif
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Wow... haha.. brought my thread back from the dead! I was just looking at "Read new posts" and i saw my name ... i was confused, because i didnt remember making this post, and BAM, ive got a crazy howto tongue.gif Well, thanks hurley.. that is super detailed tongue.gif
Thank you so much!! hurley97 you are amazing!!

Thanks for this.

I found an extension for Chrome web browser that removes the horrible Photobucket watermark across the center of each image.

I'm not personally affilated, but I really like it.

If you see the terrible Photobucket watermark across the center of each image, try this extension.

w00t smile.gif
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