QUOTE (davewuyts1 @ Nov 29, 2018 - 1:11 PM)
Hi, sorry to bring this thread back, but where did you unplug and replug the harness? Sorry if it's obvious!
The neutral switch (https://contentinfo.autozone.com/znetcs/product-info/en/US/wl2/JA448/image/2/) is in front of the engine.
If you also have a lag when dropping from D gear to 2nd you will need to remove the neutral switch and clean the dry grease and add fresh one. You can find a youtube video on how to do it (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XCvwj8u602I). If its just the lights it either needs adjustment (needle on N.S.) or its a wire issue.
Hope you sort it out.