first of all this is not about
how to make good (professional) picture but about
how to get to calendar! I'm not professional so I can not give any advice about this! I always shoot like:
- take 300 pictures (some pics 2x or 3x just because of light, different angles...)
- 50 are blurred so erased (I use automatic not manual setting... because I do not know what to do with manual setting on camera
- 100 are almost identical... so erased
- 100 I do not like... (boring, nothing special)
- from 50 remaining are about 10 I like
- from those 10 I like are 3-4 that
I call perfect (so perfect IMO). I like the car, I like colors, light, I like scene...
but it do not mean it's material for calendar!!! My opinion is not important!
Other people must like the picture for calendar... that's the key. And according to results of polls (and anyone can check) there are some obvious hints! What I have done?
I just wrote them down... now...
please use only your pictures for NEGATIVE comments! (if you want say something good about any picture I do not mind of course ). I do not want this thread to be like "show picture you do not like in calendar polls". If this happens let's moderators lock this and better erase. I DO NOT WANT TO BLAME ANYONE'S PICTURE HERE!!!
QUOTE (Tigawoods @ Oct 17, 2009 - 7:13 PM)
one thing that really annoys me and that alot of people dont take into consideration is how the wheels are turned
Have the rim facing towards the camera. it gives it a more aggressive look.
im really sorry to pick these out but it really really bothered me
id get into more things about some of the pics but id rather not
oh and thank mal for posting this thread
Sad to say this is your personal opinion (and I agree with that) but not advice for "calendar picture". You bet in the calendar will be more than one car with wheels turned like this... so... this is not true "calendar picture rule"
QUOTE (808celica @ Oct 17, 2009 - 11:10 AM)
dont take pics between 10am-4pm. make sure the sun is behind you or really far in front of you. wash your car before taking pics and dont half ass the job too
I have the best results between 3pm and 5pm (light still enough but sun is not that aggressive). Never in the morning (sky is too clear).. but again. this is personal opinion how to make nice picture (and you know how to make them
). But still nothing to do with calendar
QUOTE (dustin15brown @ Oct 18, 2009 - 12:19 AM)
i'm not sure if this thread has an attitude, done to be a smarta$, or just because you really are trying to help people out. And for that, two thumbs up!
It works either way you look at it
Thank you Dustin... You have the point!
btw.: I wish I made your calendar poll pictures
. They are exactly my cup of tea
QUOTE (Rusty @ Oct 18, 2009 - 1:41 AM)
I've taken a few shoots this morning sort of comparing between the do's and don'ts will start a thread in the multimedia section for you photography experts to comment and how to improve shoots (hopefully others will read it and get good ideas)
btw: In no way am I upset (haven't actually checked the calandar results) there where some really good photo's this year, I just want feedback and how to improve my skill.
You are the man! That's perfect result of this tread... some advice for people how to use camera (me included
). Read
QUOTE (97lestyousay @ Oct 18, 2009 - 3:42 AM)
Mine are un edited and look like poo. Three years ago photoshopping was not allowed.
Thanks to all my friends for voting for me.
Strongly disagree... Personally I have voted for your pic #24 because I like it (and see results... I'm not alone
QUOTE (Fastbird @ Oct 18, 2009 - 5:48 AM)
I'm going to have to disagree with the "front only" shots comment by the OP. At the right angle, a side profile or rear corner profile shot can be MUCH more dynamic than a simple front angle shot.
Whoever said it about turning the wheels, you hit the nail on the head.
Don't cut out part of the car. Get the entire car in the pic.
Cars belong on pavement, not in the grass. Thus, don't shoot in the grass.
And to restress, DO NOT cut out part of the car.
This is all advice given to me by a couple of people I know who shoot for a couple of GM Performance magazines.
Again... I do not say rear of the car is ugly to shoot. It's just not the best chance for calendar pol. And that is the point
. However I like the advice about grass or "do not cut the car" one.
None of pictures with high scores has grass in the picture or cut out parts of the car thanks folks!