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Full Version: Let's Talk About Chat - It's not Working!
6G Celicas Forums > Other > Website Discussion
It's back up now. I don't know what caused the crash, but I'm investigating today and trying to make sure it doesn't happen again.

But more importantly, I'd like to know who has problems with the chat, and what the exact problems are you're having. I know some people couldn't get in at all.

Also, if you have feature requests, I'd love to hear them as well.
Well Im on an Opera browser. when i enter the chat every time someone posts it shoots my scroll bar up to the top and i have to scroll down. when alot of chatting is going one its frustrating because i dont have time to type. also, i think a format like the original 6gc chat was would be awesome, with smileys and such. if you look at the griff girl chat it is very well layed out and alot of us who are on there enjoy it. great smileys, actions, performs well. a side bar showing what members are online in the chat would be great as well smile.gif

i believe that the chat is an important feature on for the site, its easier for members to get questions answered faster and for us to become greater friends with one another. Some of my best times on the site were made the the original 6gc chat. to me its a big part of the site.
I agree with the sidebar to see who is online. Thanks for checking in and fixing the chat, Coomer thumbsup.gif
Great ideas so far. Keep 'em coming! smile.gif
ya like a little pop up window on the right or left side saying who is online. The only way you are able to know who is online is to click on the forums link and you can see who is on the forum but does not guarantee them being in the chat room.
Agreed. A user list on the side will definitely be coming soon.

Also FYI in the meantime, you can click the "X users" link in the black bar near the bottom of the chat, and it will list the users. It's a poor and non-intuitive experience though, but that will be fixed soon!
For what it's worth, i haven't had any problems with it what so ever. I'm Running firefox; and sometimes Internet Explorer 64bit.

The userlist and smiley list sounds good though.
The facepalm expression please.
its down again
what ^ he said
Needs emoticons
"502 bad gateway"
down again...
502 bad gateway again
Ok, I finally got the logging working, so next time it dies (which happens very sporadically), the error should get logged so I can fix it. I'm also going to work on a lot of the requested features soon.
For the love of god make the parts database accessible again..these"omg where is the parts database" threads are getting annoying kindasad.gif
its in each of the sticky threads (- multimedia)

I just fixed the engine maintenance thread and added one to the FI section.
The chat JUST went down, 8:42pm PST. I don't wanna point any fingers, but hector did it.. I suggest we ban him as a preventive measure.
Yes. It was allllllllll me, with my extensive knowledge of MATLAB -__-
damn it hector! i was just about to start an interweb fight and you throw a monkey wrench in the works!
ughh the chat needs to be up and running...
~revs his 7afe to 3200rpm dumps the clutch and runs over the 502 bad gateway!~
It's back!
I think the lack of inactivity has killed the chat laugh.gif.
chaty chaty chat chat where art thou??
Last time it went down, I think it fixed itself/reset itself over time? I'm hoping that happens again this time.

I've tried getting in touch with coomer but bear in mind he hasn't been active for a while now...


k thanks bye
still down! frown.gif
I know it wasn't very popular because you had to sign up for it, but what would be wrong with using Griffgirl's chat again for the time being? It'd at least be somewhere for everyone to hang out.
If we are heres the registration form for the chatroom
and then come back here and click this direct link GriffGirls 6GC chatrooom

otherwise 6GC is on facebook, and has a chat fuction also
its back up!
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