The little puppies that hold in the hatch lid. $18 by the pair only. One set! get em quick!

$20 for both covers, Sorry. No tweeters right now. As always all tabs intact & parts in good condition (as in only minor wear & tear)

I have Three in good condition all tabs and connectors for $25 each. Also I have one that has minor scratches with all tabs intact, would be great for a project if you are not looking to damage yours. Only $10! +shipping

Facelift Fog light brackets. $15+ shipping

$15 a pop + shipping.
As always all tabs intact & parts in good condition (as in only minor wear & tear)

$20 a pair or $15 for one + shipping.
I have a full set. Low & Highs.

Sooo Many Knobs! You know yours are busted. $10+ shipping for a pair. (big & small)

$25 + shipping
As always all tabs intact & parts in good condition (as in only minor wear & tear)

Switches for all y'all B!tches! $5 a piece + shipping. I will test them on my celi before I send.
As a note... I typically ask for payment as a "gift" on paypal. If you are sketch about sending payment in this fashion because there is no recourse for refund, I can assure you that I have been selling parts on this site for over 6 years and have never ripped off a single member. My previous SN was work4poop. I had a 100% positive feedback and only ditched that name when my pops hijacked it. I only accept payment in this method to avoid paypal from jacking me. If you would like to pay in a different method please let me know. I enjoy hooking up parts on this site as a hobby and always like to help out fellow celica owners.