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Full Version: WTB: ST202 Aftermarket Exhaust
6G Celicas Forums > 6th Generation Celica > Buying/Selling
well i know they're probably be a 99% chance i wont find anything here in the states. But do any of you guys have 6gc members contact of those who live in japan or other countries inside of europe. I've looked high and low now. I personally pm'ed RPMgarage but they said they dont have anything. Im waiting for a reply from rhdjapan and

I've contacted these USA known engine swap/jdm parts carrier places that get toyota parts :

venus auto
osaka jdm motors
jdm tiger japan
jpaan direct
jdm engine depot
japan motor import

but none of them have given me any leads....

let me know what you got. i haven't seen a used exhaust on ebay for atleast 4 months if not more........
QUOTE (BonzaiCelica @ Mar 13, 2014 - 11:11 PM) *
well i know they're probably be a 99% chance i wont find anything here in the states. But do any of you guys have 6gc members contact of those who live in japan or other countries inside of europe. I've looked high and low now. I personally pm'ed RPMgarage but they said they dont have anything. Im waiting for a reply from rhdjapan and

I've contacted these USA known engine swap/jdm parts carrier places that get toyota parts :

venus auto
osaka jdm motors
jdm tiger japan
jpaan direct
jdm engine depot
japan motor import

but none of them have given me any leads....

let me know what you got. i haven't seen a used exhaust on ebay for atleast 4 months if not more........

I gave your user name to a member located in the U.K maybe he could help you out. I'm in the process of receiving some mudflaps from him. I'll keep u posted but here is his username incase he might have somenthing for you japukspares
Bill has a fujit(something) exhaust for a st205. don't know if it'll fit yours tohugh.
a local member already tried to fit an st205 exhaust on his st204 and it wont fit too much cutting and rewelding
For those of you who got Japanese exhaust shipped from Japan, what did you pay for shipping and what kind of insurance. Even if you got it from other neighboring Asian countries shipping cost should be pretty identical.....
Got mine for 400 shipped from keith.
rhdjapan has nothing and nengun shipping is too expensive. im waiting for fensport and toysport now....

someone know how to find forgmann? (mr ultra rare jdm parts guy) he's starting to turn out like coomer everyone's looking for him but no one can contact him ha

I'm assuming you already know... but watch out that a lot of exhaust systems labelled st202 won't actually fit the BEAMS.
QUOTE (JoshuaM @ Mar 17, 2014 - 4:02 PM) *
I'm assuming you already know... but watch out that a lot of exhaust systems labelled st202 won't actually fit the BEAMS.

no dude i know i don't have a original beams car or even the original beams catalytic converter so im using an aftermarket catalytic converter...
I am over in Okinawa at the moment. Which part of the exhaust do you need? I may be able to locate you one.
Hi I'm looking for an aftermarket catalytic back exhaust for st202 Celica thx.
I'll be removing the entire exhaust line from my 94 gts this summer. I don't know how fast you need it...
QUOTE (olilaroche @ Mar 26, 2014 - 11:58 AM) *
I'll be removing the entire exhaust line from my 94 gts this summer. I don't know how fast you need it...

oh yea what exhaust you got?

anyway bump!!....
Why not just make your own with a muffler of your choosing? Does it really matter where the steel was bent? tongue.gif
yea it does

anyway i'll bump this with a pheonix power header i see for sale on yahoo japan
What if you found a Japanese man that worked with exhaust, would it matter that he's over here and not in Japan? tongue.gif
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