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6G Celicas Forums > 6th Generation Celica > Buying/Selling
Looking for a gear knob.

new or used
HAS TO BE ball shaped
brushed aluminum but can deal with polished or sumthing similar.
doesn't have to have gears labeled.
screws on like oem. none of that grub screw crap. used 1 before that flew off in my hand when I got aggressive lol

preferably with cheap shipping. customs are always tryna rape me in sum way or another.

is any1 selling one? or know any UK sites?

checked amazon. checked eBay. just a ****load of universal stuff.
There's plenty on eBay, just search by M12x1.25 as that's the thread size.
I might have exactly what you're looking for, not sure if my for sale thread is still alive. Might show up in my signature. wink.gif

Momo Weighted Shift knob. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Box @ Apr 29, 2014 - 7:45 PM) *
There's plenty on eBay, just search by M12x1.25 as that's the thread size.

Lol box I checked with thread size. there's like 3 of them on eBay UK. and 2 are the same lol
How much are you willing to pay? I can sell you mine.

Aluminum, screws right in.
QUOTE (MisterRay @ Apr 30, 2014 - 4:52 AM) *
QUOTE (Box @ Apr 29, 2014 - 7:45 PM) *
There's plenty on eBay, just search by M12x1.25 as that's the thread size.

Lol box I checked with thread size. there's like 3 of them on eBay UK. and 2 are the same lol

Ohh, try searching the U.S. site then, many sellers ship worldwide. Lots of choices there. It's weird there wouldn't be many listed for the U.K.
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