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Full Version: WTB: Few engine harness connectors 5SFE
6G Celicas Forums > 6th Generation Celica > Buying/Selling
I'm looking for:
1. 3-wire Idle Air Control valve connector
2. single wire connector for the dash gauge coolant sending unit
3. coolant sensor connector

All of them with pigtails (at least 2-3 inches in to be able to solder them)

PM me with anything you have.

lol tell me which....

Lol you are awesome. Let me get home and Ill let you know.
(going by the green numbers in the picture)

#3 8th connector is Coolant Temp Sensor connector (green+brown wire)

#1 5th from the left connector (light grey connector)

And I really don't know which one is for the Coolant Sending unit. In 2 celicas I've owned that connector has always been missing.
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