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Full Version: FS: Rebuilt 5sfe
6G Celicas Forums > 6th Generation Celica > Buying/Selling
Anyone interested in a rebuilt 5sfe motor and tranny out of a 1994 Celica Gt? It's not rebuilt yet, so if there's no interest in it I can part it out. If someone is interested, I'll build it to whatever specs you want. A package kit will include the motor and tranny rebuilt to your specification, ecu, and harness 'ready to install'.
how much are we talking here?

A price would interest more people.
Well that's the thing... If I'm building it to an individual's spec, then the price is going to be different for each person depending on what you want. I'll figure up what a "stock price" will be and let you know. The only thing not stock is: ported and polished throttle body, intake manifold, and the block is bored.

edit** It will also include a new head as well.
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