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6G Celicas Forums > 6th Generation Celica > Buying/Selling
I have aftermarket short ram heads on my 94 2.2l and I just bought the stock exhaust manifold for it but I need the preconverter now which goes right below the exhaust manifold.

Where can I find one cheaper then new cause it's 200$ new.
Or if there's any locals that would be willing to trade while I get my smog done I will be willing to give you money but I need it done it's a month past registration.

Please help somebody I don't want this to be the end of my baby 😔
First of all we dont know where you are. We dont know if you are in alaska or puerto rico.

Cehck your local yards. Then go to ebay.
I guess he's in smog Nazi land. If you can't find a Celica in a local yard, might try making one from a Camry work.
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