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Full Version: Convertible Rear Quarter Window guide/bushings?
6G Celicas Forums > 6th Generation Celica > Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring
When the plastic bushing guide rollers break and cause the quarter glass to have difficulty raising...How does one either repair or locate new bushings?

Yes, I have done the dreadful removal of the quarter glass lift assembly. I can't seem to find them out there anywhere and moreover, I don't immediately see how to get the old ones off and new ones on (the center bolt doesn't seem to be removable and there is no "back". Do they just lift/pop off? Anyone know where to find the right size match?
It's a plate that you unbolt. The nuts are flat and have 2 or 3 holes for grip. I'll try to remember to get a picture when I get home tonight.
you have to buy the whole plate. toyota does not sell just the bushings.... and it sucks
I was afraid of that. I've seen these for sale:

I'm guessing then that requires some serious metalwork/machining?

Does anyone know what material these things are made out of?
QUOTE (njccmd2002 @ Dec 15, 2017 - 1:03 PM) *
you have to buy the whole plate. toyota does not sell just the bushings.... and it sucks

Do they HAVE to spin/rotate or is just keeping it 'on guide' sufficient? If that's the only alternative, I'm going to test something that might be helpful for others out there.
I dont recall mine spinning. I believe they are fixed. But its been long..
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