QUOTE (jcbass7 @ Mar 25, 2020 - 7:34 AM)

QUOTE (BonzaiCelica @ Mar 23, 2020 - 5:01 PM)

I am on the fence with the Beatrush, it is a nice product. Have always loved the JSPEED look, wish I bought Dustin's when he sold it a decade ago. Thanks for the heads up about the difference, didn't know there were two versions. Likely will end up with the Beatrush though, not in a huge rush.
I have had trouble finding a set of recaros in good condition that haven't been reupholstered or the foam is crushed.
i have the confetti's and ya the driver side in japan aka passenger side in the states is always messed up as mine was reupholstered with a new material and cushion is a big saggy. the guy who sells them on Instagram i believe is the same guy on ebay who posts mint condition recaro's, but then again you'll be paying 250 for shipping.
one is a polished alloy finish where the later ones are chrome finish. not sure if material is different.