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Full Version: What Are These Mirror Wires?
6G Celicas Forums > 6th Generation Celica > Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring
Hi folks.

Just respraying my wing mirrors as the original paint has cracked from age and wear.

What are these two cable going straight into the back of the glass?

Anyone else got these? I didn't think we had heated mirrors...

Also, how do you unclip the damn things?


Sure does look like heated mirrors. Maybe Yurope had them as an option. They were optional on same vintage Camry here in the States.
Do you have the square with the wavy lines coming off it (similar to the defrost button) thingy on the front of the mirror? That's what the Camry ones had to identify it.
Yeah, that's a heated mirror, very cool!

Should unplug at the connector, may need a pry tool to get the connector loose or maybe some cleaner and compressed air to blast out the dirt and grit keeping it stuck.
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