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Full Version: WtB: jdm left tail light
6G Celicas Forums > 6th Generation Celica > Buying/Selling
looking just for the left tail light. Jdm only , and it dont matter if it has the signal cut off mode.
I don't have one to sell you, but I've seen these pop up a lot on lately, especially the left side one for some reason. I just search "ST205" on there and browse through the pages. Kind of a lot of generic parts to wade through but there are some gems on there. I have bought from Jauce before without issue. But yeah, might be worth checking out.
QUOTE (CoolZeen @ Apr 21, 2020 - 1:09 PM) *
looking just for the left tail light. Jdm only , and it dont matter if it has the signal cut off mode.

Have both left and right. Selling as a pair. Great shape
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