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Full Version: Door panel wear/crack - upholstery, wrap
6G Celicas Forums > 6th Generation Celica > Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring
Hello, guys. Im new to the forum.
Excuse me if this post duplicates but I searched and searched and could not find anyone with a remotely similar problem as me and a solution from experience.

My 95' Celica door panels are in a horrible condition - they have these weird bumps on them as if the foam (if it has?) under the vinyl/leather has degraded and on top of that the hardboard behind has cracked in a few places.
Is it worth tearing the old vinyl and foam and applying new ones OR wrapping the existing panel in a leather textured vinyl imitation, ignoring the bumps ? Also how could the cracks in the hardboard be fixed ? I assume by gluing a small piece of wood on top to keep it strong and intact ?

Im guessing the wrap, although not impossible, would be quite challenging due to the complex design of the door - many curves etc.

I've not seen door panels crack on the Celica, but I have seen them dimple over time. The easiest solution would be to get door panels off another car versus messing with what you have, and it probably wouldn't be much more expensive given the cost of automotive interior materials.
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