Let's do some work...
1. useful equipment

a) well known fog lamps
part numbers:
R 81210-20280
L 81220-20270

b) lamp brackets (you can also see already installed fog light wire from factory! just plug-and-play)
part numbers:
R 52015-20310
L 52016-20150

c) 6 screws (I don't know what "international marking" is, but we call them "size 10")
2. checking some details... If you want install them "by the book" you will need:
a) fog light relay
b) fog light switch
c) fuse (20A)



and fuse...

if you don't have anything, prepare to pay about USD140

part numbers:

*if you don't want to pay that amount see "second choice" way at the end (point 5)

3. switch swap, easy thing, just screwdriver needed... remove all necessary screws, disconnect plug with wires and just pull multi-switch out... For relay you will not need any tool. Just plug it in (it's "dumb-proof", can't plug it wrong

4. everithing done. Now just see how nice it works

5. "second choice" way. If you don't want to spend money for multifunctional switch swap and relay, just buy any switch/button and rake up some wires...
a) wires connect like this... (short circuit of contacts shown below, turns your foglights on

b) ...and if you add to the "short circuit" any switch...

...you have working foglights also

***warning*** : if you forget turn your foglights off (leaving a car), you kill your battery! There is no "warning sound" like headlights has...
Hope sticky this...