May 20, 2012 - 1:57 AM
Our helpful sticky threads on
How to contribute:Now if any member wants to add a new how to article or an info thread which doesn't exist or could be an improved version. They can. (Just keep it safe and make sure your info is accurate)
There is no set layout you have to do it in, but to make it easier mention tools, what your doing/steps, simple and clear etc. Everyone loves pictures and daigrams, so make sure you have heaps.
(See what other members have done to get an idea.)
Then just
post a link here or pm me, And I'll see if I can add it
Problem with the sticky thread:If a link in the sticky thread doesn't work, pm me or post it here with a link, so I can hopefully get it working again. Sometimes a sticky thread has an external link to another site (eg Celicatech manuals), and they might have moved them around, I can usually get them back up and running again. If there is a fault with the image not showing up in a thread, theres not alot we can do about it, as the member who posted it has moved the image in his image hosting account around or has deleted it.
May 20, 2012 - 10:27 PM
Recently added threads
Endlink thread
Tie Rod thread
Rev guage shift light thread
Jun 5, 2012 - 1:59 AM
added trdproven's radiator thread
Mar 22, 2013 - 2:44 AM
added bsamps4's 5sfe to 3sgte wiring thread and Timmyface's photoshop thread
May 28, 2013 - 7:20 PM
presure2's How to, stainless braided "AN" style lines.
May 31, 2013 - 11:10 PM
this is a great thread. Nice to be able to keep track of what actually gets added!
Jun 1, 2013 - 1:54 AM
cheers mate
Jun 19, 2013 - 10:49 PM
added my
Japanese TRD Part list.just a few things left to add now
Jun 20, 2013 - 12:46 PM
wow rusty impressive!
Jun 25, 2013 - 1:37 PM
clutch hybrid kits and setups for you v6 and 3sge/3sgte engine swappers
Oct 12, 2013 - 10:38 PM
Added the bolt pattern threads for people interested in going from 5x 100 to 5x 114.5
Oct 24, 2013 - 6:46 PM is one I made a little while back for headliner and sunroof removal with the intention of cleaning blocked sunroof drains
Oct 26, 2013 - 1:18 AM
great stuff, very comprehensive.
Nov 24, 2013 - 10:24 PM
Dec 10, 2013 - 4:21 PM
^ will add it once you've done the swap/finished. Rather than show some measurements.
Added Smaay's 5S-FE engine removal
Dec 10, 2013 - 5:54 PM
I should really set down an right you a 1mz swap info thread to add to the stickies
Dec 10, 2013 - 6:15 PM
QUOTE (kurt95gt @ Dec 10, 2013 - 4:54 PM)
I should really set down an right you a 1mz swap info thread to add to the stickies
Dec 10, 2013 - 6:33 PM
Yeah that would be great if you could
Dec 12, 2013 - 11:10 PM
QUOTE (Rusty @ Dec 10, 2013 - 4:21 PM)
^ will add it once you've done the swap/finished. Rather than show some measurements.
Added Smaay's 5S-FE engine removal
but it is done. only thing that i didn't show was me installing sway bars(which is why i posted pics from other members) its obviously all plug and play
Dec 22, 2013 - 9:08 PM
Adding these threads
Nial's oil filter
richee3's beams wiring
H8train's 3S-GE thread
bonzai SS measurements
Was thinking of making a thread 'quick reference thread' which you can quickly read to find what sizes if you're out shopping for parts. such as the window wiper sizes, bolt sizes, spacers etc etc, unless someone has free time and wants to help out
Also keep adding your info to the
My project sticky. As once I get a few more, I'll be able to gauge how to set it out. Cheers
Lastly Keep up the how to's/info threads everyone is making. Just remember,
Post a link here or pm me. So we can be sure its added
Dec 25, 2013 - 2:22 PM
awesome sauce. thx rusty. what kind of thread are you trying to creat with the stuff listed above. perhaps some examples.
also now i can't seem to find that stickied thread of all the interior bolts and clips and pins for 6gc....
Dec 26, 2013 - 1:50 AM;#entry1034765It's a how-to for installing a trunk popper and getting it to work with an aftermarket keyless entry system. Not something that everyone will do to their car so not necessarily the most important thread to sticky, so it's up to you guys if you'd like to see this added to the stickies.
Dec 28, 2013 - 9:20 PM
I'll add it I'm sure someone will be interested in doing that.
Basically maintenance stuff like the ones in the list above. It's still in the same place, I told you last time
general discussion, parts section.
Jan 25, 2014 - 7:47 PM
As you members can see I've posted some new info threads the
3S-FE thread & the
C52 transmission thread. This is just the start of the info threads I'll be covering
May 13, 2014 - 3:59 PM
Added richee's de-pin toyota wiring harness to the stickies
cheers for that
Jun 8, 2014 - 7:43 PM
Added Batman722's Camry S51 5th gear swap.
Sep 26, 2014 - 7:12 PM
added richee's OBD code list
Jan 17, 2016 - 11:26 PM
How do I review/add comment on the parts database section?
Jan 26, 2016 - 3:19 AM
Feb 14, 2016 - 1:38 AM
QUOTE (BonzaiCelica @ Jan 18, 2016 - 12:26 AM)
How do I review/add comment on the parts database section?
Can't find the interior clips thread. It's out even saved, cause I'd dint see it
Feb 14, 2016 - 2:49 AM
That feature got disabled with the forum upgrade years ago, its on the site to do list.
Umm? Are you talking about the exterior & interior Toyota miscellaneous clips stickied thread? If it's an external link issues, then there isn't much I can do
Feb 14, 2016 - 5:08 PM
Yea it has pictures if all the interior pins and clips etc.
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